As such, the tradition of orthodox Lenten chants emerged in the 19th century, and thus far it holds a special place in the field of sacred music. The beginning of this amazing tradition was launched by Aleksey F. Lvov who was a violinist, composer, conductor and director of the Palace chapel, in Saint-Petersburg. The chants of the Great Lent resonate with the hearts of even secular listeners. And there is nothing surprising, since the comprehensive beauty of orthodox sacred music becomes especially apparent exactly in the context of the Lent, when music compositions are aimed at provoking reflections on selflessness and suffering, on love and betrayal, on the great gifts of absolution and human life…
After the Lent concert, BLAGOVEST, at the invitation of the organizers, is going to Poland to the annual international festival Hajnówka’s Church Music Days. In this music event, BLAGOVEST will take part for the 5th time already. Within the Hajnówka’s Church Music Days in 2016, BLAGOVEST got awarded twice: with the diploma to the Choir for the 1st place in the Academic Choirs category, as well as with the personal award to the best conductor.